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Maggie Duvnjak, MScPT



With over 19 years of experience in paediatric physiotherapy, Maggie is passionate about providing family-centred and holistic care. After graduating from the University of Toronto, Maggie worked as a staff physiotherapist at SickKids for over 14 years, providing care in various programs including Neurosurgery, Neurology, Trauma, and Rheumatology. During her time at SickKids, Maggie also enjoyed teaching and regularly participated in the clinical supervision of physiotherapy students and lecturing in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto. In 2019, Maggie co-founded Fundamentals Paediatric Physiotherapy with the vision of bringing comprehensive, family-centred, paediatric physiotherapy to the families in the Halton Region.

A life-long learner, Maggie is committed to continuing education to provide evidence informed and holistic therapy. Maggie has a special interest in supporting newborns and babies with postural asymmetry (torticollis, plagiocephaly), challenges with breast feeding, and supporting early motor development. Post-graduate courses Maggie has completed to support her practice include:

Total Motion Release (TMR) TOTS - a tearless approach to torticollis . A gentle manual therapy to assess and treat fascial tension.
Levels 1 and 2.

Gillespie Approach - Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) - a gentle modality used to address fascial strain on the nervous system - can help reduce tension and turn fussy babies into happy babies. Foundations and Infant courses.

Chrysalis Orofacial: Tethered Oral Tissues Specialty Training - E3 Model of Care® which covers the impact of tethered oral tissues on oral function from birth through maturity, while focusing on evidence-based research, detailed case studies, and both pre-and post release assessment activities.

Physiotherapy Assessment of Breastfeeding Related Conditions: Infant and Maternal Factors, including screening for tethered oral ties (tongue tie) and support for an effective latch.

Baby Begin - The therapist's role in treating
plagiocephaly without a helmet.

Cindy Miles’ Plagiocephaly and Torticollis: Assessment and Treatment of Infants and Toddlers - Impact on the Movement System of Infants and Beyond.

Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT) Intermediate and Advanced: providing assessment and treatment to support infant and motor development.

Maggie is a member in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.

Do you have a question about how physiotherapy could support your infant or baby? Contact Maggie at

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Emma Schoo, MScPT

(Maternity Leave of Absence)



Emma graduated from The University of Toronto with a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy in 2015, after completing a Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) at The University of Western Ontario. She has had the pleasure of gaining a variety of clinical experiences at SickKids, including working in Neurosciences and Trauma, General Paediatric Medicine/Complex Care, Intensive Care, Respirology, Haematology/Oncology, and Orthopaedics. Exposure to different patient populations has allowed Emma to develop and further refine her developmental, neuromusculoskeletal, musculoskeletal, orthopedic, and cardiorespiratory skills.  As a proponent of life-long learning, Emma has also taken many courses to improve her assessment skills and cultivate her treatment approach. These include the Introductory and Intermediate Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) courses, Total Motion Release (Level 1), and Dynamic Core for Kids. Emma has also contributed to the learning of physiotherapy students, lecturing at The University of Toronto, and supervising clinical placements. Emma is currently on maternity leave of absence.

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Degen Southmayd, MScPT




Degen graduated from the University of Toronto in 2007 with a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy. Upon graduation she spent 14 years working at SickKids Hospital in a variety of areas including Chronic Pain, Nephrology, Transplant, Respirology, and General Surgery.  She is currently a physiotherapist at McMaster Children’s Hospital. 

Degen has a special interest in physical activity and neurodevelopment in chronic disease. Degen has completed many courses to further enhance her clinical care, including Advanced NDT, CME Level 1, Kinesiotaping, Core Stability, Continence for Children, Foot and Ankle Alignment, Airway Clearance, and Clinical Practice Skills for Inflammatory Arthritis. Degen is a member in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.